SV Meriwether Blog


Perry Rendezvous 2019

What happens when you find out that the legendary designer of your 40 year old boat is not only alive, but spends his time right down the road from you… and is having a meetup with dozens of other boat owners? You go to the party, right? Well yeah! Some weeks back Kerri found a Bob Perry fan page on...


Beating to ludlow

We were off to Port Ludlow where we had a slip reserved and packages were already in route for a week of projects on Meriwether. The sail was pretty straight forward; loop around Marrowstone Island and head south to Ludlow. The tide/current would be in our favor – or so the information said – so the day would be smooth...


Already repeating

Normally Kerri and I go out of our way to avoid returning to the same place we have already been. In my experiences, a return trip is never as good as the first and – even worse – ruins the memory of the first. We make some exceptions, but by a general rule we try not to go back too...


Hobnobbing in Port Townsend

Not all of our time in Port Townsend was spent walking, drinking, or working. There was the occasional occasion to get Kerri off the boat for a smidgen of socializing. We are two months into the full time sailing life, yet we haven’t been doing a whole lot of talking to others (not that we did a whole lot of...


Where it all began

Leaving the sheltered waters of Mystery Bay we had only a few mile journey across the Port Townsend Bay to get to our next week’s destination. Everything went smoothly this time with calm seas and a mild breeze. A few minutes before arriving I called in on the VHF radio to verify our place was open. It was. With some...


Forts, Mystery, and a shipwreck

The big sail across Juan De Fuca Strait along with the ass kicking from the wind is a thing of the past. We made it across the strait and were still alive, so all was good. And that about sums up the bar of success on a sailboat, and even the veterans agree – if you arrive without killing someone...


Learning more mistakes the hard way

The big day was finally here. We would have to cross the Strait of Juan De Fuca to get to our next area of destinations (we had a couple stops planned over there). In the week leading up to this day there had been a fair amount of concern about this sail. The strait can be bi-polar with heavy winds...


Gettin crabby with James

Another short motor – not even an hour long – would get us around Decatur Island to the tiny Marine State Park of James Island. The primary reason we dropped in was for our impending crossing of the Strait of Juan De Fuca the following day – this would shave an hour off that long trip. James is a tiny...


He is from Canada

After a week spent in a marina we were both ready to get back out and away from everyone. Not that there is such a thing in July in the San Juan’s, but at least we could only have a dozen neighbors instead of a hundred. The destination for the work week was only a few nautical miles away, just...


Clean water and a clean bilge

After a week stay at (and near) Stuart Island State Marine Park, we set about making our way to visit our third port as full time sailors. Friday Harbor is *the* town of the San Juan Islands, even located on the island with the name to rule them all – San Juan Island. Kerri and I have been here before...