Category: 2025 Sailing Season
As much as I’d like to sail to get to our next destination, instead of motoring, the weather was not playing nice in this department. No wind to speak of for days and days in the forecast. While the lack of wind meant we would have to motor to change our view – a necessity to keep what little sanity...
A vibration in the engine and prop-shaft persisted during our first week out in the Bay of Islands. I tried a few things to resolve it, and they did help, but in the end Kerri and I decided to order up some new engine mounts to knock that idea out as well. Of course, this would mean I will be...
We didn’t make it very far once we got our 2025 sailing season started. Literally only 2 miles was an anchorage (1) we needed to use. Needed. There are a limited number of anchorages one can clean the bottom of a boat in, and none are much further out into the greater Bay of Islands area. And with how much...
Upon our arrival into New Zealand, back on Thanksgiving day, we knew we would not be going anywhere anytime soon. The transmission breakage would take some time. This we had accepted. We were just happy to be done with the ocean crossings at the time, and to be tied up to a dock where we didn’t have to think about...